Mangekyou Sharingan Contacts

Naruto cosplayer’s and fans alike. You are probably here because you are looking for some of the best mangekyou sharingan contacts both visually and cost wise.

I know finding good mangekyou contacts can be a challege so I have dedicated this page to providing a little more info on the matter.

Personally I always buy my cosplay contacts online because you are given the most variety and the best prices.

Costume contact lenses also typically have an expiry date of around 3 months to 1 year, so this is another reason why I opt to buy the lowest cost pair with the best quality.

Finding a good pair of mangekyou sharingan contact lenses can be a little challenging. The biggest concern is probably the excessive prices that some sites are charging, when similar contacts can be found on other sites for much less.

mangekyou sharingan contacts
Image Courtesy of Wikipedia

However, we do know that if you are planning to imitate either Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi, Madara, Obito, etc that these contacts are an essential part of your cosplay costume.

Costume contacts aren’t only for naruto cosplayers though. You can certainly use them simply just to wear alone because they look great and make your eyes look really cool. They can also be worn out for halloween costumes or even stage performances depending on what characters you are playing.

Maybe even for vampires or any type of satanic creatures…..there are a lot of possibilities.

Never the less most everyone just finds that they look really cool for whatever purpose they are being used for. Sasuke’s mangekyou for example features a star like figure or what looks like the outline of a satanic floors ritual room. When he gains the eternal mangekyou it is then combined with itachi’s, which takes the form of a 3 pronged figure inside.

When you are done using your contacts for the time being, you want to make sure you follow the proper procedures to ensure safety. Such as making sure you clean your contacts with a good cleaning solution, and then store them in a safe container. I will go with an all in one solution to save on cost, and the contact cases are very cheap as well. This a crucial step though, and failing to do so could cause bacteria, dirt or possibly an eye infection, and nobody wants that.

A common trend I have noticed with naruto fans that buy contact lenses is that at first they find some mild discomfort when wearing them. However, this is short lived and soon after they are completely comfortable and most even forget they are wearing them.

Almost every person I have ran into or read about has specifically noted that they were pleasantly surpised at how good the contacts looked in comparison to the pictures they saw online. Typically you would expect the pictures to look better than in real life, and in some cases this is true. However, for the most part the exact opposite was the case.

If you are looking for a great pair of mangekyou sharingan contacts then I hope this page has helped you at least a little. Simply find a good pair at a decent price, follow some of the stuff above and you surely wont be dissapointed.

Welcome to My Mangekyou Sharingan Site

Hello I am Mangekyou Max and welcome to my Mangekyou Sharingan Website.


This blog is dedicated to all things regarding the Mangekyou Sharingan from the hit anime series Naruto. In this blog I will be discussing characters that use the mangekyou sharingan as well as the ocular power and techniques that a sharingan wielder possess’. I will also be discussing where you can get your very own quality pair of mangekyou sharingan contacts and what you should look out for.

On top of that I will be discussing naruto cosplay; in specific my favorite cosplay characters as well as other really great cosplay outfits and costumes I have seen. I am a fan of naruto cosplay and am always interested in seeing pictures of really great portrayed characters which I will be featuring on my blog.

If you are a mangekyou cosplay fan like me or simply just a fan of naruto, then stick around and check out my site!